Leasta im here with assistant managing editor jim ellis. Jim, you are the brainchild behind this edition. You came one all these ideas of who to get and how to frame this. What was your thinking behind this issue . Jim well, i knew if i was going to do this i wanted to do it with people i wanted to hear from. So how do we from billionaires to just regular people together, the best way to do that was change. Everybody sort of responds to change whether its a change in their business, politics, so i use do so that as my trigger and that led me to what the changes were. Whether in business, whether in public life, the nonpolitics and the changes of the way life is which is why i got alicia garza from black lives matter. Lisa one thing carlos slim, mexicos rit67est advocate. Y, seemed to talk about that. That was an interesting interview because so many people want to talk to carlos about being the richest man in the world but he has this view that we should only work three days in a week