Vampire romantic comedy manga launched in May // Ayumi Komura revealed on Saturday that NTT Solmare published the ninth and final chapter of her Henshoku Kyūketsuki.
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Mixed Vegetables Ayumi Komura Launches New Vampire Romantic Comedy Manga
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Henshoku Kyūketsuki wa Hito no Chi ga Kirai manga launched digitally on May 15
Ayumi Komura revealed on May 10 that she is launching a new manga titled
Henshoku Kyūketsuki wa Hito no Chi ga Kirai (The Vampire With an Unbalanced Diet Hates Human Blood). Komura launched the manga digitally on the Comic Cmoa web manga site on May 15, and will debut the series on other digital storefronts on June 1.
The manga centers on 28-year-old manga creator Yuzuki Arimura. Stressed out by her current work, she flees into a forest to brood, only to meet a bloodthirsty vampire. As Arimura surrenders to death with the vampire about to sink his fangs into her neck, the vampire hesitates. When she touches the vampire without thinking, the vampire begins breathing heavily. It turns out that he can hold in his desire to suck blood when he feels pleasure.
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