As Ganesh Chaturthi, a Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Ganesh, is being celebrated across the country, an artist used an artificial intelligence program to reimagine Ganesh installations at 'Art Basel'.
An artist used artificial intelligence to portray pictures of two characters from the series 'Game Of Thrones' - Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow - having a wedding in Kerala.
An artist used an artificial intelligence program to envision a scenario where iconic superheroes, including Iron Man and Spider-Man, find themselves in the heart of India.
An image of Pope Francis wearing a large white puffer jacket has gone viral on social media with many praising the 86-year-old's trendy style - but the only thing is that the picture is actually fake.
Images generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been making waves recently, and now one Turkey-based artist has used this technology to reimagine how some famous personalities will look like a few decades from now.