Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, who arrived in Uttar Pradesh for the first time since he was sworn in as the chief minister, will visit Ayodhya on Sunday. As a show of support, thousands of Shiv Sainiks too will converge at the holy town.
According to the official programme issued by the Maharashtra government, Shinde will reach Lucknow on Saturday evening and stay there for the night. On Sunday morning, he will reach Ayodhya by helicopter and land at the banks of the Saryu river. Eknath Shinde Ayodhya Visit: Hotels in City Booked to Capacity to Accommodate Thousands of Shiv Sainiks.
Thousands of Shiv Sainiks are expected to accompany Eknath Shinde on his visit to Ayodhya on Sunday, his first such visit after being sworn in as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra in June last year.