Vir Das has landed himself in trouble yet again. Mumbai Police registered an FIR against the comedian, streaming platform Netflix and more. No arrest has been made so far, he said, adding that an investigation is on into the case.
Vir Das controversy: In a complaint to the Vyalikali police station on Monday, the Samiti leaders said that they had information that Vir Das is holding a show at Chowdiah Memorial Hall in Malleshwaram, Bengaluru.
Soon after the post, fans flooded Vir Das comments section and came up with their own theories. While some said that the couple must have broken up, others believed that he was too afraid to do it.
Priyanka Chopra recently attended Vir Das' show in Los Angeles. After watching it, the actress lauded Das and heaped praise on him. Here's how the comedian reacted.