Putting gender at the core of our work – A commitment
The Paris Gender Equality Forum – the largest event on gender since the Beijing Conference on Women in 1995, kicked off today. UNOPS has committed to action – and change.
“We are proud of our pledge to ensure projects deliver equal benefits for women, men, girls, boys and everyone, and are dedicated to delivering on this commitment,” said UNOPS Executive Director Grete Faremo.
As part of its commitment to the Forum, UNOPS focuses on the burden that poorly planned and gender-blind infrastructure can place on women and girls. It can limit their access to critical resources such as clean water, proper health and sanitation services, and digital communications technology infrastructure – such as access to the internet or the use of mobile phones. And it leaves women and girls particularly exposed – economically, socially and health-wise – to crises like the COVID-19 pandemic or natural disasters like earthqu