,you will remember, lecturinguiy the rest of us about equity, meaning that straight white men are bad. and yet, strangelyy th, the perl he chose for this job was not ws a member of a racial or minority. guinority. privileged straight white guy.y he was called nick mcquaid. nick mcquaid went to private schools. he wrote at wesleyan. he w went to columbia for law school. he is definitely not oppressed. but that did not mattemar to joe biden. some jobs are too important for affirmative action. liquid ertives main qualificn was being the former law l partner of hunter biden aws criminal attorney in december criminal attorney in december a latham and watkins lawyer called chris clark to defend him againslaar t potential federaljust a tax charges. just a month later, hunter biden s dad hired chris clark s partner, nick mcquaid, to oversee the agency that could bring those federal tahex charges. that seems like an obviousglr and glaring conflict, buint no, nick mcquaid did not
two years ago, he didn t seemwac that worried. watch ah. t the end of last year, biden acknowledged an poar, biden acknowledged an by federal authorities for potential tax law violationste.e is your legal team working o on any kind ofh, a plea deal ? oh, no, i absolutely certain that what we re doing is is being completely cooperative with whoever is asking from fromhoever any authority whatso. the implication all through the campaign was thats d your efforts that somehow benefited your father financially havesometted you yon f? your business ventures? no, nothing. nothing ever. not a nickel.l. not a nickel.tly or directly or indirectly, directly or indirectly. not a nickel ever. 100%. no, never. oh, you lie. you lie. a that was two years ago.weir dlweirdly, we haven t heard a lo about the federal tax investigation into joe biden since. and that is strange if youwew think about it, sinc he we now have tens of thousands of