the philadelphia daily news. are you at the scene? hi don, i m at the scene. what do you have for us? well as i m sure you can imagine, nearly every agency in the city that responds to emergencies is here. and as you said people didn t know what was going on for the longest time. and some of the people coming off the train, people who had been on the train, weren t sure what had happened. vinny, stand by. i want to get to our mary schiavo, who is with the department of transportation. mary we just heard from the mayor and the mayor, again, a quote saying we do not know what happened and we don t know why and we re not going to speculate. the entire time we were sitting here talking about this no one really had any information as to what was going on not even the folks in charge and they re still trying to figure it out. we believell that s true except we did get a lot of information, and now the other reports about
he says he never fared well in school, had few friends was arguing with his girlfriend and had parents who didn t understand him at all. he was depressed and desperate. you would cut yourself? i cut myself. he shows us the scars and says there are many more on his body. vinny even attempted suicide. he received timely medical intervention, many don t. according to a recent world health organization report, india has the highest suicide rate in the 15 to 29 age group.
there he goes again, just two doors down. in northern new jersey where black bears and humans co-exist easily, a bear sighting is no big deal. but a bear strolling around like some mall shopper, very big deal. it s scary at first. but after you ve seen it a couple of times, it just becomes weird. reporter: local residents have nicknamed this bear vinny. it turns out state wildlife officials have been monitoring vinny since he was reported back in june. they say he s a juvenile, under 3 years old, weighs about 250 pounds and he s walking upright because his two front paws are injured. more than likely, it was a car accident. bears can walk on their hind legs very well. they choose not to do so. reporter: officials say the bear and his bear brethren are not a danger to people. and they have no plans to capture or relocate him. live and let live. we are told that the bear or vinny, if you like, is recovering nicely. it will take another six months
doors down. in northern new jersey where black bears and humans co-exist easily, a bear sighting is no big deal. but a bear strolling around like some mall shopper, very big deal. it s scary at first. but after you ve seen it a couple of times, it just becomes weird. reporter: local residents have nicknamed this bear vinny. it turns out state wildlife officials have been monitoring vinny since he was reported back in june. they say he s a juvenile, under 3 years old, weighs about 250 pounds and he s walking upright because his two front paws are injured. more than likely, it was a car accident. bears can walk on their hind legs very well. they choose not to do so. reporter: officials say the bear and his bear brethren are not a danger to people. and they have no plans to capture or relocate him. live and let live. we are told that the bear or vinny, if you like, is recovering nicely.
koent florida where investigators uncover a way ward minister s temptation for young girls. they need to go to prison for a long time. you have the right to remain silent, sir. i m going to lock you up and i m going to talk about how you were going to engage a child in sex. you re a bad person. have you ever had sex with a minor before? no, never. never. look inny eyes. never. did you want to have sex with a minor? no, no. in central florida, msnbc was granted exclusive access to a human trafficking sting run by the sheriff s police of polk koe county. we captured a massive law