After multiple meetings, the Oak Bluffs select board approved placing the housing bank warrant article on the upcoming town warrant, becoming the sixth and final town to do so. As part of the approval to put the article on the warrant, the board requested clarification on a majority versus a two-thirds vote. After a year […]
West Tisbury became the fifth of six Island towns to put a housing bank article on this spring’s annual town meeting. During a Zoom meeting Wednesday, the select board unanimously approved putting the Coalition to Create the Martha’s Vineyard Housing Bank’s article on the warrant. Oak Bluffs, which meets Tuesday, is now the only town […]
A little more fine tuning. That’s what the Edgartown select board would like to see before they’re ready to put the proposed housing bank article on the town’s annual town meeting warrant. At a meeting Monday, board members told members of the Coalition to Create the Martha’s Vineyard Housing Bank’s steering committee to take another […]
Town meetings are often referred to as the purest form of democracy. Unlike a presidential election where your one vote is counted among millions and, in a blue state like Massachusetts, doesn’t do much to change the outcome, a vote at a town meeting could be the difference between your town buying a new fire […]
Following suit with their down-Island neighbors in Edgartown, the Oak Bluffs select board held off on putting the housing bank article on its annual town meeting warrant to wait for an opinion from legal counsel. The Coalition to Create the Martha’s Vineyard Housing Bank has been making the rounds at Island select board meetings to […]