Drawings and questions can be submitted to info@vineneighborhood.org and the images must be 300 dpi. That is also the same email where submissions can be sent, but the cut-off date is Saturday, February 17 by the end of the day.
Drawings and questions can be submitted to info@vineneighborhood.org and the images must be 300 dpi. That is also the same email where submissions can be sent, but the cut-off date is Saturday, February 17 by the end of the day.
KALAMAZOO, MI (WKZO AM/FM) - Six events are planned this year throughout Kalamazoo's neighborhoods for National Night Out on Tuesday, August 1. Law en.
In a move to bring together the environmental and beautification efforts of three Kalamazoo neighborhood (Vine, Edison, and Oakwood), the Kalamazoo Earth Day Festival is launching April 22, 2023.