implications of the end of trump, and it never came close to true. many see a president who will push the limits to win, but apparently almost as many and i m talking about the half of independents who don t favor impeachment, not just left and right. they see this as just more of the same in a dirty game. dems go low to get trump. he goes low to get them. so why should one side use the rules they seem to abuse to get the other side for abuse? now, i hear you. you re screaming false equivalency, and maybe you re right. but if that opposite feeling is so baseless, why are the polls so split? so the question becomes how do you convince people that they should want to see politics cleaned up, especially when the people trying to convince them of that, the democrats, are seen as part of the problem? now, the right may not want to admit it, but the facts are clear. and the left needs to be clear
so how bad is what jordan and meadows did given that nunez did something that s every bit what they acknowledge and then some and nothing happened to him. he voluntarily recused. i think what s going to happen here is that when we move to unveil what the transcripts say and have this open testimony and the american people get a chance to actually see, listen and ratify for themselves the voracity of these individuals to testify. the people that i heard, i want the american people to hear it. people said the same thing with mueller. when he came up, he was a dud. no disrespect but he didn t move the needle. mueller, i think we got to look at that and what he did. i think it was substantial when you read his words. when you talk about patriots, like ambassador taylor, like my vindman, these are people who they don t care about democrat, republican or independent. you think seeing is
response? shhh, stay quiet, stay nothing. politico said a few days after eisenberg told vindman, allegedly, sshhh, his team moved the transcript to the highly classified server and again told vindman don t tell anyone about the call. eisenberg was subpoenaed tonight. he s scheduled to testify monday. simple question. why tell vindman sshhh and then move the transcript into a secret server if the call was so the perfect? what does this all mean in terms of the scope of how the democrats see impeachment? all right? so we got a great guest for that tonight. we re going to talk to one of the senior members of the house foreign affairs committee, congressman gregory meeks of new york. great to have you here. thanks for wait fog aing for me at the desk. i hope i didn t bore you.
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