Creating smart sensors to embed in our everyday objects and environments for the Internet of Things (IoT) could improve daily life, but would require trillions of such small devices.
Creating smart sensors to embed in our everyday objects and environments for the Internet of Things (IoT) would vastly improve daily life but requires trillions of such small devices.
Adobe Stock Perovskite-inspired materials can use indoor lighting to provide electricity, paving the way for use in wearable devices and smart-home technology.
While solar is a renewable source of energy and therefore a greener source of energy than fossil fuels many of the materials used to create the devices that harvest electricity from the sun aren’t very environmentally friendly.
Researchers at Soochow University in China working with scientists at Imperial College of London, and the University of Cambridge are aiming to change all that with new, lead-free materials that have a key advantage they can harvest enough energy from indoor light to power wireless smart devices.