Texas school district removes parts of Black History Month display, sparking outrage
Isaac Windes, Beaumont Enterprise
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1of3This portion of a Black History Month display at Vincent Middle School was taken down at the request of an anonymous complaint about the political nature of the message according to Mikelle Patillo, the long-term substitute who worked with students on designing the work. Teachers, administrators and members of the public are outraged over the move in the first week of Black History Month.Credit: Mikelle PatilloShow MoreShow Less
2of3 Insert Black Fist Here! takes the place of a portion of a Black History Month display at Vincent Middle School that was taken down at the request of an anonymous complaint about the political nature of the message according to Mikelle Patillo, the long-term substitute who worked with students on designing the wall.Mikelle Patillo / Mikelle Patillo/Show MoreShow Less