Congress MLC Prem Chandra Mishra on Thursday moved an adjournment motion in Bihar Legislative Council on the issue of 13 people losing their eyesight after a cataract operation at a hospital in Muzaffarpur.
An FIR was lodged today against 14 people here in connection with botched up cataract surgeries conducted at a free camp last week which have resulted in complete loss of vision in the operated eye for more than 20 patients, an official said.
With 40 more people losing vision in an eye after contracting severe infection post cataract surgery, the number of affected people rose to 65, officials said on Wednesday.Following the operations between November 22 and 27, the victims .
With 40 more people losing vision in an eye after contracting severe infection post-cataract surgery, the number of affected people rose to 65, officials said on Wednesday. Following the operations between November 22 and 27, the victims developed a severe eye infection. Twenty-five victims were detected till Tuesday. While the hospitals of Muzaffarpur and Patna have so