UMCC announces another attempt to disrupt privatization via ongoing searches in company 2 min read
PJSC United Mining and Chemical Company (UMCC), which manages Vilnohirsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant (Dnipropetrovsk region) and Irshansk Mining and Processing Plant (Zhytomyr region), is considering holding searches on Wednesday on the territory of the Vilnohirsk Plant, in the head office in Kyiv and in the premises of some of the company s employees as an attempt to disrupt privatization.
According to a Wednesday press release from the company, the investigative actions are taking place within the framework of criminal proceedings registered in August last year, even before the allegedly illegal actions were committed.
13:20 15.12.2020
Groundless accusations of UMCC on product supply to occupied territories aimed at disrupting company s privatization – State Property Fund 4 min read
The State Property Fund of Ukraine evaluates the disinformation campaign about the alleged supply of products of PrJSC United Mining and Chemical Company (UMCC), which manages Vilnohirsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant (Dnipropetrovsk region) and Irshansk Mining and Processing Plant (Zhytomyr region) to the temporarily occupied territories of the country as an attempt to disrupt the process of preparing the state-owned enterprise (SOE) for privatization. The State Property Fund of Ukraine takes a principled public position to assist all law enforcement agencies in monitoring the observance of the legality of the activities of all enterprises under the fund s management. At the same time, unsubstantiated accusations in the media against the fund and its representatives indicate that cer