Ostatnia noc, podobnie jak trzy poprzednie doby, była bardzo pracowita dla strażaków. Niepozorna rzeczka Czarna Woda spowodowała prawdziwą powódź w kilku miejscowościach pod Wrocławiem. We wtorek wcią
a party membership has directly elected britain s prime minister what does that mean for his credibility at the start he has very limited credibility that s been exactly the critique should it just be this 160000 members that it elected we knew that he can appeal to those people now he s going to be really tested in terms of how this kind of village injury appeal he supposedly has actually working with him and in the general population the difficulty is of course is that he doesn t bring it looked like he wants a general election to happen because of course that would be the real way of managing to test this could he kind of puts puts and his brakes plans to the people like this for a general election or a 2nd referendum and what you do take a listen to how johnson today tried to inspire his fellow conservatives take a listen. i read in my financial times this morning that their new incoming leader their incoming leader has ever faced such a daunting set of circumstances that said well