Stratford Square Mall, a suburban shopping hub in its prime and now a shell of its former self, will shut its doors next month.
The zombie mall has been declining for years. Fed up with the status quo.
Indian Lakes Resort faced an uncertain future when the hotel property went up for sale two years ago. But the Frank Lloyd Wright-influenced resort is showing signs of new life as hotel renovations progress and Bloomingdale leaders finalize plans for a golf course redo.
Stratford Square opened in 1981 with more than 1 million square feet of retail space. The once-flourishing regional mall has become a shadow of its former shelf.
Stratford Square Mall was once a bustling shopping destination and a cash cow, producing more than $20 million in sales tax revenue a decade ago. But that number quickly dwindled as department stores and other tenants closed shop. Fed up with the status quo, Bloomingdale leaders are re-imagining the future of the mall site.