DIMAPUR Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio on Saturday said the village council has the authority to issue the Indigenous Inhabitant certificate to any eligible citizen but warned against misusing the power as it may invite legal action from the government. Regarding the Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland (RIIN), Rio said that Naga people were the native citizens of Nagaland, and the village councils were the guardians of traditional and customary laws, and to implement it successfully depended on the village councils. The CM also urged the administration and police to assist in implementing RIIN in a corrective manner. Rio was speaking at the Kohima District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) meeting and felicitation programme of the newly elected legislators of 14th NLA from Kohima district at DPDB Hall, Kohima. Rio said even the British did not involve themselves in the Naga village level since “election process becomes dirty and corrupt”, and therefore encouraged “se
Nagaland chief minister, Neiphiu Rio, said that the discussion on the Urban Local Bodies (ULB) issue with stakeholders would take place where concrete decision would be made for the good of the state.