Actor Rohit Purohit talks about getting fit for his character Dr Vikrant Saxena in the show Dhadkan Zindaggi Kii ."Dr Vikrant s personality demands more from me than just learning medical terms and memorising the lines of my script. I .
MUMBAI : Actor Rohit Purohit, who plays the role of Dr Vikrant Saxena in the show 'Dhadkan Zindaggi Kii', shares the difficulties he faced in understanding the medical terminologie |
Actor Rohit Purohit, who plays the role of Dr Vikrant Saxena in the show Dhadkan Zindaggi Kii , shares the difficulties he faced in understanding the medical terminologies that are needed for portraying a professional doctor.The show is based .
Actor Rohit Purohit, who plays the role of Dr Vikrant Saxena in the show Dhadkan Zindaggi Kii , shares the difficulties he faced in understanding the medical terminologies that are needed for portraying a professional doctor.
Mumbai, Dec 21 (IANS) Actor Rohit Purohit, who plays the role of Dr Vikrant Saxena in the show 'Dhadkan Zindaggi Kii', shares the difficulties he faced in