Aditi Muthukumar, the seventh-grader from Northglenn's Hulstrom Options K-8, correctly spelled "hsaing-waing," a Burmese traditional orchestra, in the first round of the Scripps National Spelling Bee on Tuesday.
The national competition will take place over three days at the Gaylord National Resort near DC, whittling more than 200 young spellers down to a single champion.
The national competition will take place over three days at the Gaylord National Resort near DC, whittling more than 200 young spellers down to a single champion.
The national competition will take place over three days at the Gaylord National Resort near DC, whittling more than 200 young spellers down to a single champion.
The national competition will take place over three days at the Gaylord National Resort near DC, whittling more than 200 young spellers down to a single champion.