Jawan director Atlee recently opened up about his frequent collaborator 'Thalapathy' Vijay and Jawan star Shah Rukh Khan and discussed whom he would choose for his next project if he had to decide between the two.
Leo producer SS Lalit Kumar of Seven Screen Studio addresses rumours suggesting discord between Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj. He also comments on whether there will be 4 am shows of the film in Tamil Nadu.
Venkat Prabhu recently posted a photo on social media revealing Vijay's genuine excitement as he watched his cinematic idol on the big screen during a screening of the latter's film in a US theatre.
Vijay Business Details Revaled: There is a doubt among Vijay fans whether he will have enough money to spend if he enters politics. In this case, information about Vijays activities other than cinema has been released. Accordingly, it is said that Vijay has invested a lot in the real estate industry.