On the work front, Nayanthara is reportedly set to make her Bollywood debut opposite Shah Rukh Khan in the upcoming film Jawan. The film will be directed by Atlee. Produced by Gauri Khan, Jawan will be Shah Rukh Khan s first Pan-India film, which will be released on June 2, 2023, across five languages - Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan Look Adorable Together in This Latest Lovey-Dovey Picture on Instagram!.
Nayanthara, in the honeymoon pictures, can be seen wearing a beautiful yellow dress with her messy bun while Vignesh on the other hand, opted for a casual black t-shirt and olive green pants. Alongside in the caption, the director wrote, In #Thailand with my Thaaram.
Vignesh Shivan penned a note for ladylove Nayanthara on social media hours ahead of their wedding in Mahabalipuram, Chennai on June 9. The couple s marriage pics will be out soon.