Well, troops returning from Ebola Response centers in west africa are now subject to a quarantinelike policy. Medical workers are not. The policy was announced by defense secretary chuck hagel yesterday. Civilian quarantine is in part due to pressure on government officials not to impose one. The administrations response to not wellcrisis was thought out in the speaker said he did not know why the military had to be part of that response at all. Well hear more from secretary the jointchairman of chiefs, martin dempsey, later this afternoon. The issue has come up in a number of debates. More coming up tonight. With five days until the election, we started in illinois where incumbent governor pat quinn is facing republican businessman bruce rauner with recent polls showing that race. N a dead heat moving to the race for new york governor, incumbent democrat andrew cuomo is facing a republican and two independents. Here are some of the ads that new yorkers are seeing. One. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sev
They fail to stand up criticize them. Your response . The Washington Post has made it clear that the cdc budget has been cut. Lets be honest with the american people. That is not true. It is a false narrative. The congressman has a little less time. Im going to move on. These two folks in washington both voted for a continuing resolution that gave the president the ability to deploy 4000 americans into these ebola hot zones. They are willing military uniforms and they are going to get infected. They need to start taking responsibility, both of them, and all of their colleagues, to what this president is doing and holding him in check to keep him from hurting the american people. Thank you. All right. Lets move on. Next question. I am part of the first generation of americans who may not achieve the same standard of living as their parents. That is a very frightening concept will stop what is the role of government in ensuring Economic Prosperity for my generation and future generations
Dr. Alameel and all of you the choices that lie ahead and the opportunities that lie ahead to pursue the American Dream once again. Mr. Cornynen, your time is up. Dr. Alameel. Thank you. A young man, i started my career in gas stations. My wife and i struggled many years to make ends meet. I used my g. I. Bill after serving in the army to go to college. We have been able to achieve the American Dream because the education i received was practically free and our economy was the envy of the world, but today that American Dream is out of reach for most American Families because wall street has taken over washington by spending billions of dollars a year to buy the whole Republican Party and a group called wall street democrats and over the last 35 years they shipped all of our manufacturing jobs overseas and put trillions of our dollars into safe havens and nearly destroyed the middle class. John cornyn is one of the leaders of that establishment. His policies have left our country broke
You are watching booktv. Next, Glenn Reynolds argues that americans need to start looking for alternatives to our public and Higher Education systems which he argues are either subpar, too expensive, or both. He proposes a multipronged approach made up of charter or private schools and Online Education. This is about 40 minutes. Thank you very much. Ive never been lapidary before. But i knew. One small correction to what john said. 10,000 page view from lake is not bad but if you can double, triple or quadruple ago through a link as long as it contains the word movies. [laughter] because it is the internet after all. Ive never been able to do that with one of johns but maybe he will be inspired now to offer something. John is right. My take on education in america is both Higher Education and k12, comes from herb steins famous statement them some like to call steins law, originally propounded something cannot go on forever, it will stop. Frequently compressed as if something cant go on
Are purposely set to keep trains moving. A fix for a more complicated and expensive problem. An aging switching system. Your neck strain might be operating 610 minutes behind schedule. The agency blames it on the snow. The real culprit according to the suntimes is an 82 yearold hand operated behemoth of a machine. A hand controlled air compression system messages seven of the 11 rail lines. The parts to not even exist anymore to repair the machine. I understand that the money is short. To not put any money back into the infrastructure and let it run down to the point that it is falling apart as badly as this is unconscionable. You can over 100 a month to ride a service that is out dated. I do not blame them. Sometimes i expect it to be delayed. Their delay today by 10 minutes. Officials of being called to answer for the problems theyre having. There will be at a public hearing this evening in naperville. Potential security issue has prompted School Officials to close all chicago area c