Secretary gibson will travel ton a series of facilities over the weeks to meet with veterans, their families and employees toh identify obstacles to Quality Health care. Ee and secretary gibson has said we must restore americas trust in Va Health Care system. We must restore that one veteran at a time. Our dedicated workforce over a a third of whom are veterans are engaged. Mr. Chairman, thank you to your dedication to and your care fore our nations fete rans. Mr. Griffin, you are recognized for five minutes. Chairman miller, ranking mmi, member michode and members of the committee, thank you for th opportunity to testify tonight e to discuss the results of the office of Inspector Generals work related to delays in care at the Phoenix Health care system. Im im accompanied by miss linda holiday, assistant inspector au general for audits and evaluation. Dion. The issue of manipulation of of wait lists is not now va and v. Since 2005, the oig has issued 18 reports that identified at both
To increase local contracts to include for primary care and we are removing leadership where w appropriate. We are going to we have suspended all s. E. S. Performancs awards for vha for fy14. Ng we are focusing our hr hiringay efforts on bringing clinical engineering and administrative staff to the field. Secretary gibson will travel ton a series of facilities over the weeks to meet with veterans, their families and employees toh identify obstacles to Quality Health care. Ee and secretary gibson has said we must restore americas trust in Va Health Care system. We must restore that one veteran at a time. Our dedicated workforce over a a third of whom are veterans are engaged. Mr. Chairman, thank you to your dedication to and your care fore our nations fete rans. Mr. Griffin, you are recognized for five minutes. Chairman miller, ranking mmi, member michode and members of the committee, thank you for th opportunity to testify tonight e to discuss the results of the office of Inspector Gen
People. Iraqi the average sunni has no desire to live their life under isi rules. The good news is the average iraqi wants to move forward. Iraqi air force is basically granted, without american air power, it will be hard to turn the tide. You heard the reports the iranians say they want help. Should we encourage them to help , all of all things . We will probably need their help to hold that back. Their goal is to create a sectarian iraq. To have a puppet in baghdad, a shia dominated government where they control the outcome. Our goal is to have an inclusive iraq. Dealing with stalin, we will have to have some dialogue with iranians that say, lets coordinate efforts, but put a red line to the iranians. Do not use the crisis to take territory from the iraqi people. Put them on notice we will not iraq. Them invading into europe perspective from on the iran situation. The headline people blame the new horrors in iraq on the americanled invasion in 2003, but the exact inson why the countr
I think there areas you have enough like cardio but neuro is difficult to fill anywhere. Did you notice a difference in the types of consult . We looked at gastro, physical therapy and also cardio and we heard there demand didnt keep pace with the number of providers they had. The demand kept increasing and they didnt have the providers to fill the slots. So it didnt matter. I thought it did. We didnt look at all specialties but those were the three we did. And one question i had. How much is your pay for performance, i asked last week or week before last, when you are evaluated is your pay for performance part of how many veterans are out sent out along with wait tight times . I dont believe so. All right. That is fine. I know the chairman asked, mr. Griffin, when you put a system in place that puts misinformation out there and you gain from the taxpayers that would seem to be a fraudulent case. I am looking at it as a layman. Not a lawyer. When you go out there and on purpose misled
Well to insure the veterans needs are met, that that nonva provider is respectfully working with a veteran, her or his family, to get into care. Thank you. The gao also reports that there is a consistent problem across vha with policy and procedures for handling noshows and cancelled appointments. Im aware that va, that you are working on an update to this scheduling policy. When do you anticipate this revision, revised po ills to be released and well address the noshow consistently throughout the va system and cancelled appointment sngs. I expect it will, sir. We had a Team Last Week reviewing the existing policy we have today and to determine whether or not we should rescind that policy and replace it with a clear, declaretive set of instructions for our schedulers in the front line. We expect to take that action. We will replace that policy with a revised policy. That allows us to have much more concrete sets of instruction on how to schedule, specific instructions for what to do, f