Hyderabad: aha has been relentlessly dishing out a wide variety of content in various formats in Telugu and Tamil. aha has made a name for itself as a prominent 100% local entertainment streaming platform since its inception. Such a popular platform is now set to bring fantastic family entertainer ‘Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam’. In other words, aha is all set to premiere the
aha has been relentlessly dishing out a wide variety of content in various formats in Telugu and Tamil. aha has made a name for itself as a prominent 100% local entertainment streaming platform since its inception.
Vishwak Sen and Rukshar Dhillon as the lead pair, the movie 'Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam' (better known by its acronym 'AVAK') had a good theatrical run
With Vishwak Sen and Rukshar Dhillon as the lead pair, the movie Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam (better known by its acronym AVAK ) had a good theatrical run, with the hero grabbing the attention of critics.Now, the makers have announce that .