it s like s and he jesse: stephen? yeah, i hope he is. certainly peter doocy wood. this guy that you are referring to, according to reports, he is as close as it gets with the clinton family and the clinton administration. he was the state director for the clinton campaign in the 90s. so you have a close confidant of hillary feeding information to a russian citizen to target the duly elected president of the united states. if i put this into a spy novel and i handed it to my publisher, they would say this is too incredible, could never happen in america, it s not believableh and yet it happened in america, to us, before our very eyes! jesse: it sure did. hopefully peter doocy is walking i can hit jen psaki or whoever is up at the podium right between the eyes. stephen miller, thank you very much. thank you. jesse: the left and the media keep claiming that critical race theory isn t real and they have attacked anybody opposed to it as a racist. one educator took your so
compel you from scripture to take the vaccine. there is no biblical warrant for resisting the vaccine and in fact, our project, christians in the vaccine produced video after video debunking and refuting attempts by conservatives to hijack biblical values to justify anti vaccination and that s really what is going on. it is a hijacking of god and belief in god to justify a position that actually stems from the culture wars of our day. it does not stem from the bible or from scripture tradition and it really bring god into a place to justify one s own personal believes. you mentioned the poll litization, the hijacking and you talk in your op ed how some republicans have been calling covid vaccines, quote the mark of the beast which of course is a symbol from the book of revelations that shows allegiance to satan. so how do you breakthrough to people who have such deeply held
i started to get cuts and scrapes all over my arm. so they put makeup on the cuts on my arm. but it didn t hurt. okay, so cooley is playing defense against doubters, too football fans want to get to the bottom of the real or fake debate. many try the stunts out for themselves. as parities flood the internet. all right. watch this. some were really bad. oh! the worse they got, the more fun we had watching them. very funny. but we still can t definitively answer if the original videos are real or fake. time to bring in the vince lombardi of viral video debunking. alan, aka, captain disillusion.
scrapes all over my arm. so they put makeup on the cuts on my arm. but it didn t hurt. okay, so cooley is playing defense against doubters, too football fans want to get to the bottom of the debate. many try the stunts out for themselves. all right. watch this. some were really bad. oh! the worse they got, the more fun we had watching them. very funny. but we still can t definitively answer if the original videos are real or fake. time to bring in the vince lombardi of viral video debunking. aka. captain disillusion. greetings children, captain disillusion here.
okay, so cooley is playing defense against doubters, too football fans want to get to the bottom of the real or fake debate. many try the stunts out for themselves as parodies flood the internet. all right. watch this. some were really bad. oh! the worse they got, the more fun we had watching them. very funny. but we still can t definitively answer if the original videos are real or fake. time to bring in the vince lombardi of viral video debunking. captain disillusion. greetings children, captain disillusion here. i would be willing to stake my reputation as captain disillusion on the fact that these nfl fantasy videos are not real.