i was working on my computer, and i saw some motion to my left. when i looked up, there were four men standing in the doorway with ak-47s. one of them said, you come with us, or we ll kill you. they zip tied his hands behind his back and ankles. they put a bag over his head and then he was brought out to a car. like many hostages before him, roy hallums disappears without a trace. american authorities fear the worst. unfortunately a lot of the hostages were being shown on video being beheaded. so it was a real concern that a u.s. citizen would be used in that manner. but it appears the kidnapers are more interested in money than murder. the head of the gang, the sheikh, he said to me that because i was an
wrong and nothing ill leeegal and called this latest video another misleading and deceptively edited video being publicized by extremists who entered our facility based on misrepresentations . in florida governor rick scott is ordering an investigation into every planned parenthood offers in the state that performs abortions. and on capitol hill senate republicans are pushing a bill to defund planned parenthood a bill that the white house has said it will not support nor will the democratic frontrunner for president, hillary clinton. i think that it s another effort by the republicans to try to limit the health care options for women, and we should not let them succeed once again. reporter: the senate majority leader says he hopes the first procedural vote on this defunding bill will be monday but republicans aren t sure they ll have the 60 votes they need to bring this bill to the
creating organ bags out of fetuses. it s just it s so horrific. i don t understand why congress isn t up in arms and doing something about this in a substantial way. there should be an investigation, full-scale of planned parenthood. can i ask you something? no. go ahead. of course. i m curious like do you think that there s a potential that there is criminal activity that s been going on? other than the funding issue the actual criminal activity. yeah. it should be investigated. that s why i m saying. congress should call for an investigation and perhaps even further. there could be criminal activity. could be illegal things going on. these are just the videos we ve been made aware of. why wouldn t someone want to investigate this to make sure that these atrocities are being discussed in the video that there aren t more that border on criminal behavior or activity. of course. eric it s funny. again the media is quarrelling over the video being spliced but not the gruesome
and i saw some motion to my left. when i looked up, there were four men standing in the doorway with ak-47s. one of them said, you come with us, or we ll kill you. they zip tied his hands behind his back and ankles. he was brought out to a car. like many hostages before him, roy hallums disappears without a trace. american authorities fear the worst. unfortunately a lot of the hostages were being shown on video being beheaded. so it was a real concern that a u.s. citizen would be used in that manner. but it appears the kidnapers are more interested in money than murder. the head of the gang, he said to me that because i was an american they were going to get $12 million for me. in order to conceal his presence, the captors hide hallums in a farm house 16 miles outside of baghdad in a hostile
four men standing in the doorway with ak-47s. they sdmrip tie his hands, and he was brought out to a car. like many hostages before him, roy hallum disappears without a trace. american authorities fear the worst. unfortunately, a lot of those hostages were being shown on video being beheaded. it was a real concern that the u.s. citizen would be used in that manner. but it appears the kidnappers are more interested in money than murder. the head of the game, the he said to me that because i was an american, they were going to get $12 million. in order to conceal his presence, they find him in a farmhouse 16 meals out of baby.