[explosions] narrator today, the latest weapons, coupled with the fighting skill of the american soldier, stand ready on the alert all over the world, to defend this country. You, the american people, against aggression. This is the big picture. An official television report to the nation from the United States army. Now, to show you part of the big picture, here is Sergeant Stewart queen. Stewart queen all of us are well aware of the great and historic achievements of our United States army nurses. In world war ii and during the korean war, we heard, read, and many of us saw how the army nurse went there great hardship in her duty. The same dangers entered by the troops which she accompanied into combat, but relatively little has been reported of the army nurse in peacetime. Yet she still serves, not only in the states, but all over the world. Today on the big picture, we would like to give you some impression of the work of an army nurse overseas. And not only her work, but how she s
[explosions] narrator today, the latest weapons, coupled with the fighting skill of the american soldier, stand ready on the alert all over the world, to defend this country. You, the american people, against aggression. This is the big picture. An official television report to the nation from the United States army. Now, to show you part of the big picture, here is Sergeant Stewart queen. Stewart queen all of us are well aware of the great and historic achievements of our United States army nurses. In world war ii and during the korean war, we heard, read, and many of us saw how the army nurse went there great hardship in her duty. The same dangers entered by the troops which she accompanied into combat, but relatively little has been reported of the army nurse in peacetime. Yet she still serves, not only in the states, but all over the world. Today on the big picture, we would like to give you some impression of the work of an army nurse overseas. And not only her work, but how she s
Dukung Komunitas LGBTIQ+, Pemerintah Victoria Resmikan Gedung Khusus Komentar:
Kompas.com - 18/07/2021, 06:00 WIB Bagikan:
Gedung ini bernama The Victoria Pride Center yang dikerjakan oleh kontraktor Hansen Yuncken.
The Victoria Pride Center berlokasi di St Kilda, Melbourne dan telah diresmikan pada minggu ini.
Gedung ini menjadi pusat komunitas pertama yang dibangun khusus di Australia untuk merayakan keragaman budaya dan sosial.
Dikutip dari
Achitecture and Design, Sabtu (17/07/2021), gedung ini dirancang menghadap Teluk Port Phillip dan cakrawala kota, dengan luas total 6.000 meter persegi.
Di dalamnya terdapat 15 ruangan seperti ruang kerja bersama, teater, galeri, hingga ruang yang berisi arsip queer Australia.
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