Five Things to Do: Orlando Baxter, Cara Brindisi and more!
Standup comedian coming in from Istanbul, not Constantinople
Former Worcester high school teacher-turned-nationally known standup comedian, Orlando Baxter is celebrating “Teacher Appreciation Week” the best way he knows how. And that’s performing two nights of smart and funny, upper-classman comedy at the WooHaHa! On this homecoming weekend of sorts, Baxter who s coming to Central Mass. from Constantinople (No kidding! He’s been doing some Indiana Jones/James Bond stuff in Istanbul, Turkey, lately) will show off his fine-tuned comedic skills to a socially distant but appreciative audience. Baxter, who killed on “Conan” and conquered numerous comedy festivals and Native American gaming casinos, hasn’t performed in Worcester in front of a live, flesh-and-blood audience in over two years. And the last time he played his old stomping grounds, Baxter sold out five consecutive performances spread out over
Dear Annie: Avoiding rock bottom
Dear Annie: This is about the 40-year-old alcoholic with two kids who is refusing rehab. Hitting bottom is unwise advice, and unwarranted. He yet may end up homeless and on the streets or worse, but there are more options needed. Don t fall for the AA 12-step hitting bottom credo it is not supported by the data. There is no other medical illness where we would take that approach.
He needs to see an MD who is a specialist in addiction medicine. Several medications could help.
I would also recommend a mental health therapist who specializes in work with substance abuse, using a harm reduction model, and someone who is well versed in a style of communication known as motivational interviewing).