claims. obviously this tape further confirms that what we basically know, which is donald trump is a liar, and it s pretty obvious that he was involved in these payoffs to the play mate as well as to the porn star. and his denials just have no credibility whatsoever. the thing i would add, don, though, i think this is only the tip of a very large iceberg involving michael cohen. remember, there is a lot of other stuff involving michael cohen including his consulting business where he is said to have solicited a $1 million fee from cutter to try to influence the trump administration. he got money from victor vexelberg, this russian oligarch for purposes we can only get at. so he was involved in a lot of shady dealings essentially working as a lobbyist at the same time working as trump s lawyer. he may have violated the federal
tip of a very large iceberg involving michael cohen. remember, there is a lot of other stuff involving michael cohen including his consulting business where he is said to have solicited a $1 million fee from cutter to try to influence the trump administration. he got money from victor vexelberg, this russian oligarch for purposes we can only get at. so he was involved in a lot of shady dealings essentially working as a lobbyist at the same time working as trump s lawyer. he may have violated the federal agent act. he knows a lot of things about the president and this could be a warning shot across the bow of rudy giuliani and donald trump knowing how much michael cohen knows. speaking of how much michael cohen knows, the president, the candidate at the time doesn t seem like he s surprised or he doesn t know about what michael cohen is bringing to him. i want you to listen to this and then we ll respond. and i ve spoken to alan wieselberg about how to set the whole thing up with fund
kiev and close to those involved, and you also have the new york times reporting that inside michael cohen s office on the 26th floor of trump tower, he met with a russian ologarch flamed victor vexelberg, discussing the desire to strengthen relations with the u.s. he is cousins with mr mr. vexelberg. some of the information leading to this, how does this reemt to and why is this coming up as a result of the stormy daniels lawsuit. well, joy. you know, for better or worse, and we think it s better, we are becoming a repository of information. people are sharing information with us on a daily basis. we are encouraging people to do so. these are true patriots in every sense of the word. people that love their country, that believe in truth, that believe in bringing the evidence the american people. they are supporting our cause, and they are providing information to us on a daily
say. vladimir putin creates leverage with all kinds of oligarchs, all kinds of businesspeople. i know victor vexelberg. i used to work with him when i was ambassador. here s how it works. i ll let you do something, here s money, i ll give you a contract here, but you need to do favors for me down the road. vexelberg is not one of the inner circle for vladimir putin. that s incorrect. he s on the outer tier. people of his have been arrested recently by vladimir putin. what i think is going on here, it s just a hypothesis, vexelberg wanted to show putin he knows his way around new york city. remember, he does a lot of business there, his daughter lives there. he knew how to reach out to michael cohen to see he could deliver things for putin. i think it backfired rather radically. that would be very consistent with behavior that i ve seen in the past regarding putin and the oligarchs. i mean, that exerting of leverage, did you see that with a lot of oligarchs and with putin?
bunch of new questions. according to abc news, mueller has specifically asked about two inauguration donors, both linked to victor vexelberg, a russian who attended the president s swearing in. one is vexelberg s cousin and another investor who gave $250,000 to trump s inaugural committee. his company the in the news this week for paying half a million to the president s lawyer, fixer and bag man, michael cohen over the last year. according to the washington post, they said cohen, intrater and vexselberg were seen together. here to break this down, author of trump russia: a definitive history. and robert, let me start with you, you have been focused on the inauguration. am i wrong to say there are $50 million missing in front of