By Victor Omondi Saving a percentage of your salary constantly can be a simple method to save for retirement. Most financial gurus recommend that you set aside 10% to 15% of your earnings as a rule of thumb. Consider the following scenario: you have no funds, aim to retire at 65, and have investments that […]
By Victor Omondi A family in Houston, Texas, is seeking justice and questioning the unjust killing of 51-year-old Charles Dade. The man drove into a carwash where he was a regular because he worked from within the area, the family said. Little did he know that he would meet his painful death, and worst of […]
By Victor Omondi After working for about 2 decades in private firms in the United States as a technology consultant and prop trader, Jamar James decided to break loose from corporate America in search of financial independence and freedom. It’s been more than a year now, and he isn’t only reaping the benefits but also […]
By Victor Omondi American Airlines will provide desserts made by a Black-owned dessert company run by a single mother. According to NBC DFW, Tamara Turner from Aurora, Illinois, teamed up with American Airlines to serve her Silver Spoon Desserts Bundt cakes to passengers on domestic flights. “I started my business in 2017 because I heard […]
By Victor Omondi A woman on the popular short video platform TikTok was taken aback when she received a text message reply after applying for a new job. User @madumjas provided a screenshot of the message, which appeared to be from the human resources department of the undisclosed organization, in a video posted on Friday. […]