A recent study has shown that many rural young people are still interested in agriculture as a present livelihood option and imagined future. This opposes
Tanzania’s Agriculture Minister, Hon. Prof Adolph Mkenda, has expressed his appreciation for the scientific endeavors of IITA, which have had a significant impact in finding sustainable solutions to the challenges facing the country’s agriculture sector and assured the Institute of his government’s support.
Tanzania’s Agriculture Minister, Hon. Prof Adolph Mkenda, has expressed his appreciation for the scientific endeavors of the International Institute of
Research finds no basis for farmers’ negative perception of the quality of fertilizers in Tanzania
7 May 2021
Soil fertility and nutrient management are crucial factors in crop production; however, fertilizer adoption in Tanzania (and indeed Africa) remains below the recommended rate contributing to poor crop yields and poverty. This is partly due to farmers’ persistent suspicion that the quality of fertilizers in the market is sub-standard.
Journal of Development Economics found no reliable evidence to support farmers’ beliefs that the fertilizers available to them at local markets were of poor quality.
A farmer in Tanzania evaluates beans with NPK fertilizer applied at a demonstration plot on fertilizer use for legumes in a past IITA project.
Agriculture PS identifies priority collaboration areas with IITA to improve Tanzanian agriculture
12 March 2021
The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr Gerald Kusaya, has said the Government of Tanzania is keen to strengthen collaboration with IITA in its ongoing efforts to develop the country’s agriculture sector.
Kusaya was speaking to a delegation from IITA that had paid him a courtesy visit on 22 February at his offices at the Ministry of Agriculture headquarters in Dodoma city to introduce the new Director for Eastern Africa, Dr Leena Tripathi.
The PS identified soil, improving farmers’ knowledge on good agriculture practices, and combatting aflatoxin as some of the priority areas needing IITA support.