Stories From The Outlands that focuses on Pathfinderâs past.
The eight-minute episode, titled “Fight Night”, opens with a former detective named Victor Maldera, who is on the hunt for Alexander Nox, best known as Caustic in the game. Pathfinder, a waiter at a restaurant, soon finds himself caught in an altercation with an unruly customer but is intercepted by Maldera, who questions Pathfinder before plugging into his databank to find out more.
Pathfinderâs databank reveals that the robot was present for multiple major crimes, including Revenant murdering Lobaâs parents and Causticâs attack on Humbert Labs. Before they can dig deeper into Pathfinderâs databank, the two are interrupted and chased by a crime syndicate and Spectres.
30/12/20 Comments Closed
Apex Legends has been a categorical success for Respawn, so much so that the game is now enjoying its seventh season, and gamers around the world hang on the steady drip-feed of information as they build up the world and the characters. The latest story video that they’ve dropped as a seasonal treat – entitled Stories from the Outlands: Fight Night – focusses on Pathfinder, and sees him learning about his mysterious creator and why the Mobile Robotic Versatile Entity (MRVN) designated scout zips around the Apex Games.
In this action-packed, fantastically animated, neo-noir trailer, the robotic Pathfinder is joined by ex-officer turned security guard Victor Maldera to take on Malta City’s elite task force, and take down Alexander Nox, also known as Caustic.
If you’ve ever wondered what Pathfinder’s life was like before the Apex Games, Respawn Entertainment now has an answer. The game’s latest Stories from the Outlands video, called Fight Night, is all about the murderous and cheerful robot and gives us some idea of where he came from and what he’s been up to between his creation and his arrival in
Apex Legends.
Despite mostly being about Pathfinder, Fight Night’s actual main character is an ex-cop named Victor Maldera, who now works as a security guard and amateur detective. Victor was dishonorably discharged from the police force in Malta following the closure of his final case. The case revolved around a tragic fire at Humbert Labs. The Malta police deemed the fire an accident, but Victor believed it was caused by Alexander Nox.