The 19th C. Hindu reformist and religious scholar sought to abolish Sati and rid society of fanatic orthodoxy. British colonialism would enlighten us, he felt
SRINAGAR: Global auctioning site, Soothbay sold a copy of an illuminated Quran for 18380 UK Pounds (Rs 19.04 lakh). The handwritten Quran was produced in Kashmir somewhere in 1821. The 311-page manuscript has the Quran written on gold-speckled paper leaves in naskh in black ink.
Plant Collectors In Kashmir
Ralph R Stewart who
push-biked into Kashmir more than a century earlier details the contributions that Western experts made to Kashmir taxonomy
A view of Botanical Garden in Srinagar
I must be Rogers McVaugh’s oldest pupil. I did not know him until I was 70 and about to retire from Gordon College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, where I had worked from 1911 until 1960, except for occasional furloughs in this country. When Rogers took charge of the angiosperm herbarium in 1960, following the death of ‘Uncle’ Harley Bartlett, his distinguished predecessor, he found that he had a legacy of some 150,000 specimens in bales and bundles in various storerooms. Some of these specimens had been in storage for fifty years. As about 30,000 of these specimens were from India, McVaugh looked around to find someone with a knowledge of Indian plants. A friend told him that I was retiring from Gordon College and he wrote to inquire if I were available. As I did no