24/11/2023 - In a hilarious series, Aina Clotet and Mar Coll show that bringing up children without taking after our parents is more complicated than understanding the assembly instructions for Ikea furniture
23/11/2023 - Berto Romero embodies a sort of adult version of the boy from The Sixth Sense in six episodes that, wisely mixing humour and terror, discusses dignity and journalistic ethics
22/11/2023 - The latest from filmmakers such as Joachim Lafosse, Jessica Hausner, Michel Gondry, Catherine Breillat and Matteo Garrone, among other great names, can be enjoyed from 23-29 November
21/11/2023 - Just before the start of the 20th edition of the gathering in the Andalusian city, we spoke to this award-winning producer and former advisor to the Community of Madrid who is coordinating it