made off the tax hike. 3 3 today is wednesday, september 14th. 3 maps-fiber-back toomapp 3or first hit please :) with an with an overwhelming lead .. stephanie raalings lake all but guarantees he ll be elected to a ffll term as payor of baltimore. sse easily beat all of he democratic challengers in last night s primary. with 1000percent of the precints reeorttng .. here are the resulls. results.incumbent mayor stephanie rawlings blake. p>her closest competitor. state senator catherine pugh. 3 pugh. 3 megan giilillnd is live at city halllwith tte ayor s response to last night s &pdemocratic nod. nod.good morning patrice,she s the incumbent mayyr. but this is stephanie rawlings-blake first primary win.a win. hat some predicted months ago. hhr first campaign for mayor, rawlings-blake brought raised more money than the pntire field thee end. she won more votes than all of themmcombined too. say to the people of our city, ttank you baltimore, it s almost a littl
sit tie at 8:00 i will be able to say we did all that we could do and i feel confident that that will result there a new mayor. i tried to run a positive campaign talking about the future of our city. i am so pleased and proud with the group. we were a whole volunteer group. i didn t have the money to pay anyone. everyone who worked with me did so because they were passionate about the city and believed in the cause i was fighting for. we will continue to follow the results. the polls close at 8:00. so if you haven t voted, get out and vote. we ll have them online at and will have a full wrap-up at 11:00. reporting live, roosevelt leftwich. stay with abc2 news for continuing coverage of democracy 2011. you will find live results as soon as the polls close at 8:00 tonight and how you can register for the general election. don t forget about that coming up in november. the search is on for a stolen gas tanker in kent county. thieves cut through lap fence at
live. outside the nightclub../ where .the ssooting occured.// ááwithhá the. de. baltimore s top .. proecutor says there s simply not noogh evidence to prosecute the our officers who fireddthose shots. he went on to say.. he believed the officers had good force. baltimore city state s attorney gregg bernstein reiterated the facts of the case in dettil.(áááánats up full: they had a reasonable belief...áááá))..before announcing there would be no criminal charges filed in the death of a baltimore city police officer aad another police...(bernstein) it is our conclusion that all of the officers acted responsibily in a highly chaotic situation. ....the shooting happened in january outside the sellct lounge in ddwntown responded to a fight caal. when they arrived they found officer william torbbt guu pulled, struggling with sean gamble,,a 22-year-old unarmed man. bernstein has concluded torbit ssot and killed gamble.. and 4 other officers hot and killed torbbt, unnware
&pnats people from all over the heir respects to the maryland icon. icon. just look around, everytting that he s done and yoo tell me how can not love hi him. tonight.the grand tribute to his life and legacy before he is laid to rest. 3 good evening, i m jennifer gilbert. jeff barnd is off. william donald schaefer as he takes final tour from annapolis to balttmore. baltimore.the first viewing for schaefer was held this morning at the state housee governor martin o malley led the honor guard as they carried schaefer s casket. following beeind.. a line of people so long it wrapped everyone there with a memory of schaefer s life. 3 he waa a man who knew the said i had to thereei just had - to be there there crowds of people continued to pay their respectssin annapolis through the early afternoon hours. from annapoois.schaefe r sscasket went on a ttur of baltimore. one of the first places the motorcade drove past wassschaefer s seeinn the casket was very - now live
3 3 3 new developments in a story transgenner woman viciously beaten at a mcdonalds in rossdale.while most of the workers there did nothing to stop the attaak. oneewoman did step up. this vvdee captured on a pee two teens beating crissy polis, kicking her and at ne point. dragging her acroos the floor after an arugument that started in the bathroom. polis says it was fuelle by her sexualitt.she goes on to have a seizure while a mcdonald s worker recorded the whole thing.the 22 year old says most of the restaurant workers did nothing. but one custommr. vicky thoms. did help.she was punched in the face, trying to save polis. her get off of her, you re - killing her they were &pwere beating her, it was like they were killing her, they wanted her dead dead a 14 year old along with 18 year old ttonna brown. who you see here, have both beenncharged with assault. according to court documents, brown, was actually charged last yyar with a similar mcdonalds. the strong reaction