Very soon, the townscape around Bennington might be just a little more colorful thanks to the volunteer efforts of local recovering addicts who donated their time and talent to create dozens of barn quilt paintings as a way to bring color and awareness to the struggle of addiction in Bennington.
Although Jan. 20 was one of the area’s coldest mornings this winter, the conversation inside the Recreation Center was hot, local planning officials said. About a dozen community members braved the frigid temperatures, they said, to participate in a Bennington County Regional Commission s roundtable conversation on the towns strengths and challenges.
The Bennington Community Policing Advisory Review Board (CPARB) continued its evaluation this week of the progress toward implementing community policing recommendations and revised Bennington Police Department policies.
From Pownal to Dorset, the voters of Southern Vermont showed up in strong numbers in a midterm election to have their voices heard on important issues facing the state, the
From Pownal to Dorset, the voters of Southern Vermont showed up in strong numbers in a midterm election to have their voices heard on important issues facing the state, the