While outdoors enthusiasts may first think of hitting the trail in summer or fall, the Ice Age Trail is open 365 days a year, and there are plenty of people who enjoy the beauty – and challenge – of traversing it during the colder months .
Taking on wildfire Forest Service Chief Vickie Christianson told the House Appropriations Subcommittee recently that between two to three million acres of national forest land are treated for wildfire prevention annually. She adds, even with strategic planning of treatment in selected fire sheds, modeling reveals that in order to treat an additional 20 million acres to create forest resiliency… We would have to add another 2.65 million acres a year for the next 10 years to execute this strategy. She also notes additional benefits beyond reducing wildfire activity. It would create, we estimate, between three hundred thousand to five hundred and seventy five thousand jobs and of course, protect significant communities and small businesses and enhance local economies. Technological and strategic innovation at wildfire prevention and suppression efforts will play a greater role in curbing fire activity in our nation s forests and grasslands. U.S. Forest Service Chief Vicki