The Faculty Senate broke from a 102-year precedent of shared governance at Stanford last month by passing a motion to allow exam proctoring. The Undergraduate Senate will vote on Tuesday on a set of proposals by the Committee of 12, which could supersede the Faculty Senate’s motion while temporarily permitting proctoring strictly for research purposes; if these proposals fail, the Faculty Senate’s proctoring motion will be enacted in the fall.
At its Tuesday meeting, the Undergraduate Senate expressed opposition to the Faculty Senate’s decision to bypass its prior votes against proposed revisions to the Honor Code that would explicitly allow exam proctoring, ending a 102-year long precedent.
At its Thursday meeting, the Faculty Senate unilaterally approved revisions to the Honor Code that would explicitly allow exam proctoring. Their action marks the end to the over 102-year precedent of “shared governance” on academic integrity between Stanford faculty and students by circumventing a student vote on the matter.