Update on undergraduate planning
Provost Persis Drell and Vice Provost for Student Affairs Susie Brubaker-Cole sent the following message to students and their families, which includes steps in the planning process for spring quarter.
Dear Stanford students,
We hope you are settling well into our winter quarter. These continue to be challenging days, as all of us work through the difficulties posed by the pandemic and the national events that the news brings us each day. We’re grateful for your fortitude, and we hope that the experience of diving back into your academic work is heartening and grounding.
We want to acknowledge one added source of stress for some of you, and that is the change in our undergraduate plans for the winter quarter that we announced on Jan. 9.
The student, Aleksander Halem, was from Newbury Park, California.
Halem served as a manager for the Womenâs Basketball Team and was a committed student with a strong will to achieve success, according to the email.
If you are concerned about a student, faculty or staff member and are unsure of what to do, UI encourages you to file a VandalCARE report. Students impacted by Halemâs loss and needing assistance during this time can contact the Counseling & Testing Center at 208-885-6716.â¯
We share our sincerest condolences with Halemâs family and friends who are most impacted by his death. The Argonaut will provide a full obituary if his friends and loved ones feel comfortable sharing more.