i need everybody to make sure they re on top of their game. we have undercover officers out here who are putting themselves in a situation that can turn bad really quick, especially some of the things that we ve been seeing so far. pimps walking around with guns flashing, trying guerrilla tactics and things like that. so i need everybody to be on their a game. it s a little after 3:00 p.m. when the task force hits the streets of oakland and rolls out to the track. we ll put them on the northeast corner. i m not going to let anything happen to you, wendy. all right, bro. you got eyes? yeah, i got eyes. all right. unders are out, northeast corner. 17th avenue, international. seasoned vice cops know that there s no surefire way to predict when the johns will show up. but today it only takes ten minutes for the undercovers to get their first bite. how are you doing? all right. we got a possible with the gray prius. felicia s making contact right now.
hello, i m dr. sanjay gupta. few of us can forget what unfolded behind me ten years the shocking spectacle of the world trade center towers crumbling into dust against that new york city skyline and the what disappeared along with it. ten years later, the obvious signs of the dust are gone. yet in some waysit still looms over new york city. it still haunts the over new york city. thousands of responders who became sick after breathing it in. in washington, there is a large fire. move it! get out! the world trade center. back, back. what s going on? get out of here! let s go. and the president who is in florida today, within moments after the first tower disintegrated, an eerie silence fell over lower manhattan. there should be a sound when one of the largest skyscrapers in the world collapses. and we know that there must have been a sound. very few people, including myself, remember a sound. dr. david prizant, a pulmonologist and top doctor with the new
attacks. an audacious goal but there are new things out there, new tests and a new take on cholesterol. and a man who suffered from dyslexia so debilitating that his mother had to read his schoolwork out loud. and we talk about human evolution. news about the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and what they re still doing to us ten years later. in new york when the twin towers fell, thousands of men and women raced to help. you ve seen these images. they spent weeks on what we came to call the pile, clearing rubble and digging for survivors. manufacture the rescue workers blame the smoke, the dust for all sorts of health issues, including breathing problems and even cancer. i ve been investigating this for several months. i ll tell you, it s controversi controversial. but this week, a new study out says the cancer link is real, at least for firefighters and other patients say this could just be the tip of the iceberg. we have a boy scout camp at the top of that mountain there.