WESTPORT If lifelong resident Martin Costa can help it, there will be tons of green COW t-shirts all over Westport on May 22.
But these t-shirts won’t be used to celebrate the town’s agricultural heritage. They instead will stand for a growing movement Clean Our Westport safety t-shirts for those who will be cleaning up litter.
Costa, the retired owner of Westport Camping Grounds, has always had a love for the outdoors and spent decades cleaning up the 33-acre Westport Camping Grounds on Old County Road.
“The snow has melted and in my excitement to get outdoors, I am disgusted by all the street-side litter that was hiding under the snow,” Costa said in a recent Facebook post. “It’s time for another Westport street clean up day.”
Jeffrey D. Wagner
WESTPORT A boat landing adjacent to Gooseberry Island last summer was stripped of its status as the only free, town-owned boat landing in town. Selectmen are now mulling over whether it should remain that way.
Selectmen at last week’s meeting were joined by Beach Committee members and Landing Commissioners to review whether the landing should be available only as parking for townspeople with parking passes. The landing is located on East Beach Road.
Among other options, selectmen are mulling over whether paid parking there should be seasonal or year-round. The issue might be voted on at the Jan 19 meeting, after selectmen and other authorities conduct more research on the matter.