Hana Financial Group CEO Ham Young-joo (center), Vice Chairman Lee Eun-hyung (second from left) and some 300 officials celebrate the group’s 18th anniversary at its headquarters in central Seoul, Friday. During the event, the Hana employees boasted the new slogan "New Hana" to steer the financial giant’s future. Hana promised to take a big step forward, putting importance on a customer-first str.
Hana Financial Group Chairman Ham Young-joo (third from right), Vice Chairman Lee Eun-hyung (third from left), and other company officials unveil the Hall of Fame for top employees at Hana Global Campus in Cheongra, Incheon, Saturday. A total of 186 employees have been selected to honor their performance across sales, marketing and consumer satisfaction. The financial giant said the new launch aims to create a custom.
Hana Financial Group’s Vice Chairman Lee Eun-hyung (center) and some 30 employees from its overseas affiliates pose for a picture as part of the six-day global workshop held last week at Hana Global Campus in Cheongna, Incheon. Under the theme “All Connected in Hana Global,” this year’s workshop aimed to solidify a sense of belonging among its overseas workers while introducing them to the gro.
Hana Financial Group said Sunday that it has donated educational supplies for students of a female boarding school in Mexico to support their English education. Escuela Villa de las Ninas, located in the state of Chalco, was founded by the Korean Catholic congregation called the Sisters of Mary in 1991, with the aim of funding the education of female students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Currently, th.
Hana Financial Group said Monday it is working together with Binus University, a prestigious private university in Indonesia, to foster global talent in the financial sector. Under the partnership agreement signed in Seoul on Friday, Hana Financial Group will provide opportunities for Indonesian university students to work as interns at Hana offices starting in the second half of this year. Binus University plans to .