ADAMS, Mass. — The Selectmen last week voted to recommend a $17.7 million spending plan and a $550,000 capital plan for fiscal 2024. The Finance Committee was scheduled to.
The long-delayed pocket park planned for the old Hoosac Valley Coal and Grain Building site faces another roadblock. This time the question is whether to demolish the iconic grain elevator
ADAMS, Mass. — Berkshire Arts and Technology (BArT) Charter Public School is currently accepting applications for students in grades 6 through 9 for the 2022-2023 school year and.
ADAMS, Mass. — The Board of Selectmen once again had to table innkeeper license renewal for Mount Royal Inn, with just over a week left until the end-of-year renewal.
Daniel Dus, CEO of Shared Estates, presents the plan to the Board of Selectmen on Wednesday. ADAMS, Mass. — The town has awarded the development of the campsite at Greylock Glen.