Jones Day advised American Industrial Partners on the deal. American Industrial Partners Capital Fund VII, L.P. (“AIP”), through an affiliated entity, acquired ownership of the aluminium …
Published: March 11th, 2021
The market in Europe has held up surprisingly well over the past year, Vica Irani, head of EMEA M&A at Jones Day, said on the latest episode of the podcast.
For all of the challenges of Covid-19, “We haven’t had to fundamentally redo the way we do deals,” said Vica Irani, who heads Jones Day’s M&A practice for Europe, the Middle East and Asia, on this week’s Drinks With The Deal Podcast.
“Even the deals that were already papered have held up remarkably well. There have been some changes around the edges,” she said. “There has been a great deal of thought about what ‘ordinary course’ means, what carve-outs are appropriate to deal with Covid-19, and what force majeure provisions look like. But by and large, the agreements themselves have held up.”