i mean, this really is a test of democracy. you re being attacked as some sortour of hate figure because you want f self-government sincigure when d democracy become so unfashionable? i thought everyone was in favor of democracy. what happened? in yeah, all we rfavoe asking forae is the right to vote.r is you know, on the mayhe twenty fourth primary last year, nine hundred and sixty thousand georgia voters voted00 and all 159 yes in all.buckhead one hundred and s fifty nine counties on the buckhead city ballot so those. so those people electeopl our georgia state representatives and they ve e elsent a clear message. even in fulton county, we got 80% of the republican votes in fulton county to just let us vote. hav and , you know, they have never not let a city head movement that came before them not be permitted to have the right to vote. actually ,right to v i call on e dickins, the mayor of atlanta, to just come out here and say, let us all vote .the what s what s the problem wit