there s no point in looking at his past anyway. you know, he s there s never been a politician where past means less. yeah, exactly. and there s such a misnomer with romney care. that was really massachusetts legislature care, they wrote that bill. they dictated that bill. they positioned it in such a way he had to sign it. they knew where the sign line was. and where the veto line was. and they pushed it right up to there and he did what governors do which is sign. he wasn t in there creating that legislation. the last question before we go to break, ari, the president s contention that the fever is going to break somehow and a lot of folks are pontiff cating what happens to the republican party do they say we were too conservative, not conservative enough, if the tea party still has a seat in congress and more power in the senate, what does that mean for the president in terms of getting legislation passed? what is the political infrastructure. a lot of people are talking a
one. where should the president s veto line be in negotiating with the republican house on these budgets? certainly he should not be going lower in many of the areas that he s been. to stress the financial piece, i hope he will make it clear that they ve got to have this level of regulatory authority. the problem frankly is we don t know what the republicans are going to do. here is the problem. the republican leadership has dissolved. the leadership now is the tea party people. the problem is you don t know there s an ability to negotiate. it is hard to negotiate with a negotiating committee that consists of john boehner, eric cantor, the mad hatter, and the white rabbit. if anyone can do it, congressman barney frank can lead the way in the house of representatives. congressman frank, thank you very much for joining us tonight. thank you.
regulatory agencies one of the fights with the republicans are trying to rederegulate derivatives and 1207 investments and undermine consumer protection by denying the funds. the president s budget is obviously dead-on arrival in a republican house of representatives and the budget will be dead-on,a rifle wherever it goes to the senate if it passes. where should the veto line be in negotiating with the republican house on these budgets? certainly you cannot be going lower in the areas he has been. i stress the financials. i hope he will make it clear that they have to have the regulatory authority. the problem frankly is the republican leadership has dissolved. the republican leadership is now
dead on arrival wherever it goes, to the senate if they pass one. where should the president s veto line be in negotiating with the republican house on these budgets? certainly he should not be going lower in many of the areas that he s been. to stress the financial piece, i hope he will make it clear that they ve got to have this level of regulatory authority. the problem frankly is we don t know what the republicans are going to do. here is the problem. the republican leadership has dissolved. the leadership now is the tea party people. the problem is you don t know there s an ability to negotiate. it is hard to negotiate with a negotiating committee that consists of john boehner, eric cantor, the mad hatter, and the white rabbit. if anyone can do it, congressman barney frank can lead the way in the house of representatives. congressman frank, thank you very much for joining us tonight. thank you.