Letter to Editor - CoViD-19, measles and antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Nome rivista: British Medical Journal Numero: 372 Data pubblicazione: 18/02/2021 Nome: Giovanni Cognome: Di Guardo Affiliazione: Retired, Veterinary Pathologist and Past Professor of General Pathology and Veterinary Pathophysiology at the University of Teramo, Veterinary Medical Faculty, Teramo, Italy Abstract: An interesting Perspective article recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine offers an insightful overview on the benefits provided by the mass vaccination of children against CoViD-19. To this . Nome rivista: British Medical Journal
Numero: 372
Nome: Giovanni
Cognome: Di Guardo
Affiliazione: Retired, Veterinary Pathologist and Past Professor of General Pathology and Veterinary Pathophysiology at the University of Teramo, Veterinary Medical Faculty, Teramo, Italy