Thank you. I appreciate the limitations of what you can provide, and, there is a long way to go. I am concerned about those with disabilities who cannot meet the criteria. I mean, this would have a Chilling Effect on them, even seeking shelter. If they know they are not going to be accepted. If they know they cant do the care they have to, what happens . There has to be a whole population of people. I mean, there is a level of sophistication among people who are homeless. They know what they can access on what they cant access. It is a great question. It is something we also struggle with. Ive artie mentioned that we try to work with our other city departments because our department is not funded with any sort of board care, partial new nursing care and so on and so forth. We try to communicate smoothly with them. Another factor is, as you know, disabilities are very wide ranging and our shelters are basically congregate settings. There are people who cannot handle a congregate setting
Mr. Thornberry i have no further requests on this en bloc package and yield back. The chair the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from washington is recognized. Mr. Smith thank you, i yield myself such time as i may consume just to say i urge support for the en bloc package and reeled back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman from washington yields back. The gentleman from texas yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Thornberry i think i yielded back. The chair in that case, the question is on the amendment en bloc offered by the gentleman from washington. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The en bloc amendments are greed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 3 printed in part b of house report 116143. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition . Ms. Speier i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendm
An assessment. Because there may be some medical care that will help the client, though the individual become more self functioning, and we work with that. When you have our larger shelters which have 340 people in a building, we cannot have the staff responsible for assisting everybody in and out of bed. They are not trained with the proper skills to do that, nor do they have the time to do that when they are trying to monitor the structure for everybody. We dont just put them out on the streets, but we do have to call in Emergency Services many times, because these people are not able to function. If the staff can assist in simple ways, sometimes somebody who has vision impairment, walking the path away from their bed, to the bathroom, or so it is closer to the bathroom may be sufficient assistance. But if those attempts do not work that we have to contact our partners in the city to say we are unable to care for this person in the setting. There is no one single answer. We try to tr
Dogs and shovels. So far no arrests have been made, and maurice, they say that this remains a missing persons case. Jonathan vigliotti in salt lake city, thank you. The two american soldiers who were killed in a taliban ambush in afghanistan this week were identified today. Master Sergeant Michael riley, originally from germany, was a decorated green beret. He was 32 and on his sixth deployment. And Sergeant James johnston from trumansburg, new york, was an Ordnance Disposal specialist. He was 24. The u. S. Womens soccer team takes on france tomorrow in the world cup quarterfinals. On the eve of the big game, two big former team usa players are raising awareness about possible brain injuries from playing soccer. Dr. Jon lapook has the story youll see now only on cbs. Goal reporter 20 years after this magical moment that won the 1999 womens world cup, Brandi Chastain and some of her former teammates are trying to leave another legacy. They will be studied for signs of cte, chronic traum
I appreciate the limitations of what you can provide, and, there is a long way to go. I am concerned about those with disabilities who cannot meet the criteria. I mean, this would have a Chilling Effect on them, even seeking shelter. If they know they are not going to be accepted. If they know they cant do the care they have to, what happens . There has to be a whole population of people. I mean, there is a level of sophistication among people who are homeless. They know what they can access on what they cant access. It is a great question. It is something we also struggle with. Ive artie mentioned that we try to work with our other city departments because our department is not funded with any sort of board care, partial new nursing care and so on and so forth. We try to communicate smoothly with them. Another factor is, as you know, disabilities are very wide ranging and our shelters are basically congregate settings. There are people who cannot handle a congregate setting. There we