Dogs3 weeks ago
“He Put The Injured Paw Forward”: Video Shows Stray Dog Wandering Into A Vet Clinic As If To Ask For Help
43Kviews Pro member
There are many stray animals in this world and so many of them are starving, sick, or injured. Sadly, it’s impossible to help them all. However, this dog in Ceará, Brazil decided he would change his fate and wandered into a vet clinic called Vet Vip. It’s hard to understand how the doggo realized where to go. The pooch was very lucky to find a vet named Dayse Ferreira da Silva that decided to help him right away.
Dogs3 weeks ago
“He Put The Injured Paw Forward”: Video Shows Stray Dog Wandering Into A Vet Clinic As If To Ask For Help
43Kviews Pro member
There are many stray animals in this world and so many of them are starving, sick, or injured. Sadly, it’s impossible to help them all. However, this dog in Ceará, Brazil decided he would change his fate and wandered into a vet clinic called Vet Vip. It’s hard to understand how the doggo realized where to go. The pooch was very lucky to find a vet named Dayse Ferreira da Silva that decided to help him right away.